Request of Medical record
Contact information
Phone: 08-123 260 77
Fax: 0176-326 079
Opening hours
Monday-Thursday 8 AM-14 PM, Friday 8 AM-13 PM
Postal address
Tiohundra AB
Box 905
761 29 Norrtälje
Written request required
If you need a copy of your medical records from Tiohundra AB we require a written request. The Records will then be sent by mail to the address where you are nationally registered and that is connected to your date of birth (personnummer).
Some details in the request are compulsory, such as name, date of birth and address, if possible details about clinic and period of your stay in the hospital.
If you lack a Swedish personal number please notice that you probably received a reserve-number at your visit. Reserve-number always starts with 99 and the current year and then 6 digitals ex: 99 2025-******
For any enquiries regarding your request contact us on 08-123 260 77.
A written request is always necessary in order for us to hand out medical records. The request can be send by mail or fax. The request will be filed together with the medical records. A note will be made in the records regarding what records have been requested ant to whom.